Staff Contacts
To make a scheduling request for Senator Skinner for a meeting or event, please email
Kate Chatfield, chief of staff and legislative director
Robert Gammon, press secretary/policy adviser
Ariana Khateeb, scheduler
Rebecca Sheff, policy analyst
Jessica Uzarski, policy analyst
George Harris, legislative aide
Margaret Hanlon-Gradie, principal consultant, Legislative Women's Caucus
Karen Bocaling Lapis, consultant, Legislative Women's Caucus
Navreen Randhawa, executive assistant
Cheri King, special assistant
Adrianna Jackson, district director
Robert Gammon, press secretary/policy adviser
Rickie Man, district representative
Gabriel Sandoval, district representative
Kisha Jackson, office assistant
For staff contacts at the Senate Housing Committee, go to:
Committee and Issue Area Assignments
Aging/Seniors: George Harris
Agriculture: George Harris
Appropriations: Kate Chatfield
Arts, Sports and Entertainment: Robert Gammon
Banking and Financial Institutions: George Harris
Bay Area Caucus: Robert Gammon
Budget and Fiscal Review: Kate Chatfield
Business, Professions and Economic Development: George Harris
Childcare: Karen Bocaling Lapis
Committee on the Revision of the Penal Code: Rebecca Sheff
Consumer Protection: Jessica Uzarski
Disability Rights: George Harris
Education K-12/Higher Ed: Robert Gammon
Elections and Constitutional Amendments: George Harris
Energy, Utilities and Communications: Jessica Uzarski
Environmental Quality: Jessica Uzarski
Governmental Organization: Rebecca Sheff
Health: Jessica Uzarski
Housing and Homelessness: Kate Chatfield
Human Services: George Harris
Immigration: Rebecca Sheff
Income Inequality/Anti Poverty: Rebecca Sheff
Insurance: Jessica Uzarski
Jobs, Economic Development: George Harris
Judiciary: Jessica Uzarski
Labor, Public Employment and Retirement: Kate Chatfield
Legislative Women's Caucus: Margaret Hanlon-Gradie and Karen Bocaling Lapis
LGBTQ: Jessica Uzarski
Local Government: Rebecca Sheff
Natural Resources and Water: Jessica Uzarski
Public Safety: George Harris
Racial Justice: George Harris
Revenue and Taxation: Rebecca Sheff
Rules: Kate Chatfield
Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movements: Jessica Uzarski
Technology/Privacy: Rebecca Sheff
Telecommunications: Rebecca Sheff
Transportation: Jessica Uzarski
Veterans Affairs: George Harris
Women/Gender Issues: Margaret Hanlon-Gradie and Karen Bocaling Lapis