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California could soon license Arizona abortion doctors unable to practice in their own state

Arizona abortion providers may soon be able to render their services in California.

California Senate lawmakers voted on party lines for SB 233, a bill from Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, that is intended to allow Arizona doctors to practice medicine in the Golden State until Arizona’s repeal of a Civil War-era law that bans all abortions goes into effect later this fall.

The bill provides expedited licensing for Arizona doctors through Nov. 30 of this year. SB 233 was a Legislative Women’s Caucus priority bill.

The bill has already passed out of the Assembly, and now it moves to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom. If he signs it, as expected, it will immediately become law.

“SB 233 is in response to the Arizona Supreme Court’s resurrection of a dead law criminalizing any and all abortions, a law passed in 1864 when women couldn’t vote and husbands could legally beat their wives.,” the caucus said in a statement.


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