California’s Project Homekey is an untold success story
In recent months, a prevailing news narrative has questioned the benefits of the investments California has made to address our state’s homelessness crisis. Our own eyes, as we continue to see people living in cars and tents on our streets and sidewalks, seem to validate this narrative, despite the state and local efforts we know have been made to address the crisis.
But what this news narrative overlooks is an untold story, the story of how one of California’s primary initiatives — Homekey, which quickly transitions unsheltered people into supportive or permanent housing — has been a remarkable success.
In the Bay Area, currently funded Homekey developments are projected to house 45,000 formerly unsheltered residents, many of whom will live in their Homekey unit permanently or for a temporary period before transitioning to permanent housing. To date, Homekey has financed nearly 60 housing developments in the nine-county Bay Area, creating 4,150 housing units for formerly unsheltered individuals and families.
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