Press Release

Legislative Leaders Applaud Early, United Legislative Version of 2021-22 State Budget


Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood), Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Chair Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), and Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) issued the following statement regarding the Legislative Version of the 2021-22 State Budget:

“Guided by the vision of our colleagues and the values of the Californians who sent us here, we are pleased to announce that the Senate and the Assembly have reached historic early agreement on the state budget. It didn’t take long for us to find common ground because we built on common sense—the responsible budgets that Democratic Legislators and Governors have been enacting for a decade. This budget is a once-in-a-generation chance to make transformational change in California, including major investments in tax relief for millions of Californians, grants and unemployment mitigation for small business, child care and education, higher education, public health and Medi-Cal, justice reform, homelessness, aging and developmental services, and historic levels of funding to address climate change, wildfires, and drought. We’re encouraged by this early, united approach and look forward to working with Governor Newsom, who shares so many of our goals and values, to reach a three-party agreement on a historic budget for California.”


Click here for the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee's budget proposal documents. And here for the Assembly Budget Committee's proposal.