In the News

The executive order was endorsed by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, who noted the possibility of innocent people being placed on death row and the racial bias of death penalty convictions.

State senator Nancy Skinner, a Democrat from Berkeley who supported Mr Newsom's move, said there could be a backlash.

In a quick blow to police unions trying to block the release of officers’ disciplinary and use-of-force records, a state appeals court on Tuesday declined to hear an appeal of a Contra Costa County judge’s decision last month that pre-2019 records can be made public, letting that decision stand.

A proposed law that would phase out diesel trucks in California was introduced Friday in an ongoing effort by state legislators to control pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, but it will likely face major opposition from trucking companies and other businesses that transport products in big rigs.

Among the boldest measures is SB330 by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, which would declare that California is experiencing a “housing supply crisis.”

The benefit of the report is giving lawmakers insight into what is working and what is not, said Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, who chairs the Public Safety Committee and budget subcommittee on public safety.

As state Sen. Nancy Skinner put it when she introduced SB 1421 in April 2018, California’s existing confidentiality rules about police conduct are among the most secretive in the country.

Hoping for a friendlier response from Gov. Gavin Newsom than she got from Jerry Brown, state Sen. Nancy Skinner is again proposing legislation that would ban out-of-school suspensions in all grades for student behavior deemed “defiant and disruptive” by school authorities.