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Enter state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, whose SB 206 would require California’s public and private colleges and universities to permit athletes signing endorsement deals.

Chip Franklin talks to Senator Nancy Skinner about her bill to compensate college athletes financially.

It’s always fun to see a bully get upended in the schoolyard. So we should be grateful to the NCAA for providing us with such a spectacle in Sacramento — and for demonstrating, in the process, its increasing irrelevance.

California should ignore Emmert's fear mongering and enact the Fair Pay to Play Act. Any threat from Emmert to exclude California schools from NCAA competitions is empty and will likely never come to fruition.

A proposed bill calls for student-athletes in California to have the ability to endorse a product or business, or even have a social media account they can make money from.

Richmond Mayor Tom Butt, state Sen. Nancy Skinner and Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia joined representatives from EVgo and Uber to welcome the city’s first public fast-charging vehicle hub at Richmond Civic Center on Saturday.

"The plant that’s sitting there has been there for a long time, and it’s been the bane of many West Oakland folks because it is a significant contributor to air pollution here," said State Senator Nancy Skinner, adding that residents there face higher rates of asthma.

Banning a member college for allowing athletes compensation in compliance with state law is likely an act that would violate federal antitrust laws, as well as California's common law right to good faith and fair dealing.